Isgar - In Their Gentle Presence

Isgar - In Their Gentle Presence


Scroll to the bottom of the page to watch a video of the Columbus State University Trombone Ensemble performing this work.

If you are looking for an accessible work for performers and audiences alike that adds beauty to any program, In Their Gentle Presence is a great fit for your trombone choir. Written in 2014 by Daniel Isgar, this work is for 8 trombones (6 tenors, 2 basses). In Their Gentle Presence was premiered at SUNY-Fredonia in 2014 and has been performed by trombone ensembles across the globe since. This work was made popular by the Dr. Bradley Palmer and the Columbus State University Trombone Ensemble, and you can find recordings of this work by CSU on YouTube and the album Full Tilt.

Length: 4 minutes, 30 seconds

Range: Highest tenor part reaches Bb4 several times. 2nd and 3rd tenor parts reach A4 once. Lowest bass part goes down to pedal Gb and has pedals throughout.

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